
T-Shirt TIME!

It's that time of year...T-SHIRT TIME! The most wonderful time of the year! And we couldn't be more excited here about the way they turned out!

So starting this Sunday, November 21, our latest New Life Student Ministries T-Shirts will be available for only $15! Come pick yours up ASAP & sport it all Thanksgiving break. YOINK!


*About the design: It contains the simple truth that Jesus saves. Jesus gives new life. And within that message is our New Life Student Ministries heartbeat logo symbolizing our passing from death to life within "GIVES" & the truth of Jesus in our church name, "NEW LIFE." Wear this church & be a witness. 


Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

In Matthew 16 Jesus asked His disciples a very simple question: "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" A simple question, yet one with profound implications.

You see, Jesus wasn't looking for a Sunday school answer. A simple church answer. He was looking for something so much more. Something much deeper. So WHY did Jesus ask that question?

Because it MATTERS. It matters who Jesus is. It matters Jesus is who He says He is. And it matters who we say He is.

Because Jesus wasn't just claiming to be who this world claims Him to be. He wasn't claiming to be a religious leader. A good man. A prophet. He was claiming to be SO MUCH MORE!

He was claiming to be the Messiah! The Redeemer! The Savior of the world! The One who could take away your sin! The One who could give you new & eternal life! He was claiming to be God.

And that changed everything, including Peter's response. Because who Jesus was & who He claimed to be, Peter's response mattered all the more. And because Peter believed who Jesus said He was, it had HUGE life implications.

Taking a look at the calling of the disciples in Matthew 4, you see they literally dropped everything when Jesus said "follow me." They literally dropped what was in their hands, quit their jobs & left their livelihood & everything they had ever known behind. Just like that.

Why? Because it MATTERED. Because Jesus MATTERED.

So what about you? Who do you say Jesus is? Who do you claim Him to be? Who do you claim Jesus to be by the way you live? The way you behave & words you speak?

Whether you realize it or not, you tell this world who you think Jesus is by the way you live. By your actions & the words you speak.

Peter's response to Jesus was, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Is this the answer your life gives? It matters.




Welcome to New Life Student Ministries. We're EXCITED you're here & hope you stop by!



Spring Brrr-eak 2011: KEYSTONE, CO!

Yeah buddy! We're going skiing this coming March for Spring Break 2011! Here are the details:

WHO: New Life Student Ministry!

WHAT: 3 days of ripping up some slopes in Colorado!

WHEN: March 20 - March 25

WHERE: Keystone, CO (Evergreen Condos)

WHY: To enjoy God's beautiful creation & amazing fellowship!

HOW MUCH: approximately $325 (subject to change based on fund-raising)

So what you need to do now is sign-up & reserve your spot by giving me a $100 deposit by November 24. Once you've got your deposit in, you can click on the Keystone sticker on your right & sign-up online (or the link below). It will have all the information you need on that website.


Get pumped! It's gonna be sick!


Don't Waste Your Life

What comprises a meaningful life? What are some things in your life that provide meaning? What are things in life you find worth living for?

All of us are searching for meaning. Looking for something meaningful in life. Looking to live a life that has purpose & makes a difference.

Ephesians 4:1 urges us to "live a life worthy of the calling you have received." To live a life with purpose. And to live a life within the meaning & call of Christ. To live up to His standard. It's very clear we are called to live a life of difference. And if we live up to the calling we have been given, we will begin to live a meaningful life that reaches for the standard of Jesus.

And the time is now. There is no time to waste. Romans 13:11 tells us "the hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber." It's time to WAKE UP! Wake up & start living. And start living like Jesus. We are challenged to be "imitators of God" in Ephesians 5:1. That doesn't just mean we follow His example; but we ultimately attempt to become like Him. When you imitate a person, you do everything that person does. And we need to wake up & start living a life of purpose that imitates Jesus Christ.

So it's time. Time to begin "making the most of every opportunity" & make the most of our lives (Ephesians 5:16). Because, believe it or not, our lives here on this earth are short. "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." (James 4:14). None of us ever know when our life will end. So it's with that sense of urgency we must not waste our lives.

Living your life for the Lord is not a waste "because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:58). It's not wasted. It's not futile. It's eternal.

Jesus gives you meaning. Jesus gives you purpose. Wake up. Live like Jesus. Don't waste your life.



I Am Second

Hey friends! Just wanted to inform you (if you didn't already know) of a great website & resource out there called "I Am Second."

It is a great ministry that essentially provides stories & testimonies of Christians from all different walks of life. From all kinds of situations & perspectives. I encourage you all to check it out at the link below:


At the end of every video, the storyteller gives their name & ends with "I am second." And John 3:30 tells us "He must become greater. I must become less."

Are you first in your life? Or is God top priority? Become second.