
"Open-Mic" NIGHT!

This Wednesday, June 1, will be our inaugural "Open-Mic" night at NLBC! You guys have heard me share all year long what the LORD has laid on my heart & how He's spoken to me. But now it's time for YOU to share!

What Does "Sharing" Look Like: basically, this is a time for you to share what God has done in your life this past year. How you've grown in Him. How you've become closer in your relationship with Him. Maybe it's a verse. Maybe it's something that spoke to you on a Wednesday night, Sunday School, a Bible Study or even your own personal quiet time. Whatever it is, pray & think about how God has been working in your life this past year & get ready to SHARE it!

And some of you may not want to. Some of you may be scared. But think about this: you never know how your testimony might encourage or bless someone else. 

Time to get real students & time to share the power of the LORD in your life!



LOVER of Your Soul?

Have you ever considered treating your relationship with Jesus like an ACTUAL relationship??

I think that's a good, tough question, and one that generates a huge challenge for us. Think about it. In a real-life relationship, with a best friend or significant other, you:

  • Spend hours talking/texting on the phone & not mind a bit
  • Hate being apart...hate not being able to see that person
  • Get excited about ANY opportunity to spend time or just hang out with that someone
  • Spend numerous hours stalking them on Facebook

    So what if we treated our relationship with Jesus the same? What if we didn't mind spending hours in conversation with Him? What if we dreaded not being in His presence or feeling His Spirit? What if we got excited about meeting with Him or spending time with Him at church? What if we spent hours stalking Him & looking Him up in His Word to learn everything we could about Him? What IF?

    Better question: so why not? Maybe this can challenge you to take a whole new approach in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Make Him more than your Savior. May He be your LORD & lover of your soul.



    Go Back or Go Forth?

    When Jesus encounters the woman caught in adultery in John 8, He commands her to go & leave her life of sin. To go & sin no more. To go & no longer continue living her old ways. To go & begin a new lifestyle.

    He ultimately gives her a choice. He commands her to go, but it's up to the woman whether or not she leaves her life of sin. She has that choice to make.

    Today, when we encounter Jesus as LORD, we're faced with the same decision as the woman. Go back to our old life of slavery to sin? Or go forth with the Lord? Go & live in new life?

    The choice is yours. Today. What life will you choose?


    MISSION:Chicago 2011

    - WHEN: June 10th (meet @ 6 AM) – June 14th

    - WHERE: Chicago (Wicker Park & Logan Square)

    - WHY: Go serve & do MISSIONS with Mosaic Chicago Church

    - WHO: All High School students (2012 school year)

    - WHAT: Service projects / prayer walking / VBS / evangelism

    - HOW MUCH: $100 (includes lodging, L-Train pass & meals while there)

    - DEADLINE: June 1st

    - WHAT TO BRING: $$ for food there & back & general spending / sleeping bag, pillow & air mattress / toiletries / BIBLE / work clothes / games for hangout

    *Contact John for any further questions! 479.381.7502