
Spring Break 2012

I'm excited to announce our Spring Break 2012 plans to you guys today! 

So far, we've been to Dallas for a mission trip in 2010. Then to Keystone to hit the slopes in 2011. And now this year, we're headed to Knoxville, TN for an unforgettable mission trip in 2012. We'll partner with World Changers & go serve that community through work projects & construction. Here's the scoop:

WHEN: March 18 - March 21
WHERE: Knoxville, TN
WHY: Work. Serve. Do Missions with World Changers
WHO: All MS & HS Students
WHAT: Work Projects & Construction
COST: $135 (includes lodging & food on site)
DEADLINE: Sign up by December 21 --> $50 Deposit

Feel free to contact me for any further details or questions. And be sure to sign up by the deadline! Don't miss an opportunity to experience God in this unique way!