
BEing Alive

Jesus tells us the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13. The parable of the seed falling on four different types of soil & what happens to that seed after encountering the certain soil. But it's the last two that really stick out to me.

Jesus describes the thorny soil & how the thorns choke out the seed. The seed has the potential to grow, but has been engulfed by things that surround it & then kill the seed. And I think this is where many of us fall spiritually. We hear the Good News & Gospel of Jesus with a great potential to grow, but let other things choke that out. Fear of rejection. The worry of what our friends & other people will think of us. The cost of following Jesus & what things we have to let go of to follow Him. We simply just deny spiritual growth in light of living for the world.

HOWEVER, Jesus also describes the seed when it falls on the good soil. Spiritually, the good soil is open to hear the Word of God & then go about LIVING it. We hear the Good News of Jesus & the freedom that comes from His free gift of salvation & simply can't help but grow! And growth comes from desire. You have to take personal responsibility to grow in your faith by pursuing a personal relationship with Jesus. Talking to Him in prayer. Knowing Him more through the Bible. Growth will come through the time you invest.

The difference between the first three soils & the last? Life. The first three all end up dead. Only the last one has life. Sure there might be some quick growth at first, but it doesn't last. Only the last soil has life & life eternal.

So, what about YOU? You living or dying? If you aren't growing, you're dead. You have to grow. You have to pursue Christ. In Him & the pursuit of Him is only where life is found. Be ALIVE.


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