
Contact Without Contamination

As a Christian, God has called us out. God has called us to be holy. To be sanctified. To be set apart for His purposes.

Basically, God has called us to live different. And to live so different, people notice a difference. And that difference be so significant, this world desires to know the difference maker. Curious to find out who & what makes the difference in our lives.

1 Peter 2:9-12 tells Christians they are God's "chosen" people. We have been chosen to belong & live for God exclusively. Not to live for anything else in this world - but to live for God alone. Furthermore, this passage of Scripture makes it very clear this world is not our home as Christians are then called to live as "aliens & strangers." When we realize we don't belong to this world, we don't follow the patterns of the this world. We don't immerse ourselves in all the ways & habits of culture. We don't let the norms of culture & sin become normalized in us. Essentially, we don't apply for citizenship here. We don't belong.

Now, the point here is not to live isolated. Because this world desperately needs Jesus. This world desperately needs the love, influence, and witness Christ has called us to show. The point is we don't get infected. Separation is not isolation - it is contact without contamination.

The challenge again is we live so different it makes a difference in the lives of others. Instead of following the pattern of this lost world, we show this world a different way of living that leads to unconditional love, forgiveness, and freedom from sin. And the hardest part is understanding the way we live is a direct advertisement for this difference.

In 1805, Christian missionaries presented the Gospel to a council of Native American chiefs & leaders. Upon hearing the Gospel, Chief Red Jacket had this response:

"We are told you have been preaching to the white people in this place. These are our neighbors. We are acquainted with them. We will wait a little while, and see what effect your preaching has upon them. If we find it does them good, and makes them honest, and less disposed to cheat Indians, we will then consider again what you have said." 

They were waiting to see a difference. Waiting to see a change.

Now is this world waiting on you? Waiting to see something different in your life? Waiting to see change? Waiting to see if Jesus makes any difference at all?

Live different. And show this world the difference maker in your life.